Sunday, 17 January 2010

Reflection, Reflecting, Reflective

Does that even make any sense? Three words that in effect mean the same, but by misuse can create a whole new semantic, and in PR unless deliberate this could spell disaster.

So what have I really learnt from the group exercise? Perhaps a few different faces – will that have a massive impact, I doubt it. There is no easy solution to creating My Dream Team much to my sorrow. Instead it is a culmination of confidence, consideration and communication.

The confidence to be honest with your team members but more importantly with yourself; if something is not working speak up don’t always think that if you plough on in mental solitary confinement that everything will be ok – ok it may perhaps be but a good team and work definitely not.

Consideration of others is something I have to admit that does not come that naturally to me, I often just see the task ahead and little regard for what people may have going on outside of the team. Now I know that you’re there to get a job done and it is indeed not a social support group but it does help if you can get to know your fellow team members, recognise if there are any issues and look as a group for any solutions that may improve the situation both for the individual and for the good of the team.

Communication is the one tool that if I had to pick I would say held the key to my dream team. It is a sorely underestimated part of any team work; however it is not a prized pony which is only brought out to impress prospective clients. Make it part of everything that you do, that way in time it will become a natural part of every part of the working day. Corny as this may sound –it is the simple yet vital component to ensure a successful team

‘Companies with strong communications across functions and widely shared information tend to have more productive external relationships’ Rosabeth Moss Kanter (taken from David Gannon’s Lecture slides – internal communication in practice, 17/12/09)

The thought that I wish to leave you with is very simple: knowledge is power. Yes so you may not be able to always choose who you are going to work with you may not even like them; however this I merely an opportunity for you to demonstrate as an individual how adaptable you are, get to know them (that doesn’t necessarily mean go and manicure together) try and find out what their working style is and see if it can compliment others in the group, you just may be surprised at useful they can be. And for goodness sake do The Belbin Test before you embark on group work. My dream team isn’t about whom I do and don’t have for me it’s about looking for the best combination and output productivity possible from what is available, I am under no illusion that it will be perfect next time or the time after that, but practice makes perfect.

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