Monday, 11 January 2010

My Dream Team

For a phrase so commonly used, it has taken me weeks if not now months to truly understand what this means, and more importantly how this relates to me as an individual; whilst searching for the holy grail answer I was confronted with some at times unpleasant and harsh truths about myself. It is my intention to publish over the coming days a series of blogs serving as reflective pieces of writing. The experience upon which the reflective blog will be about is a group task set for the Managing PR unit. We were placed in groups with the goal of to both commission a brief and also create a pitch to put to the corresponding commissioning group. I endeavour to be honest even if to my personal detriment this after all is a reflective blog implying that lessons should be learnt from introspection and not slander. However whilst so, I will be truthfully evaluating the success of both the contributions of individuals to the group and the actual dynamics of our working team. It is important at this stage to point out that points expressed throughout this blog are my opinion – it is, never have been and never will be my intention to libel any particular person or to cause any offence or upset.

So what’s so important about having a dream team isn’t it just easier to get the job done yourself, therefore bypassing any problems that may arise from working within a team? Unfortunately that’s not the case, especially within the setting of Public Relations, quite simply we’re not super humans there are only a certain number of hours in a day and two pairs of hands. I find this thought that at some point throughout the project I was going to have to be reliant on other members both for their expertise and physical man power a daunting prospect. Yes I admit it I am a complete and utter control freak, assuring myself (often in the middle of the night rushing to finish a piece of work before a deadline!) that this is the best course of action to ensure the least amount of trauma to the project. Is this really healthy and more arguably sustainable? Or am I doomed to a fate of being carted off during some board meeting in years to come simply because I had finally cracked – I pray not!! “Leadership, communication and teamwork are vital factors in delivering achievement and job satisfaction, however tough the tasks may be” (Beard, 2002, p. 95)

The idea of the team and its necessary success is core to the function of public relations –how can a relationship be created and sustained if the hymn sheet upon which the message is sung from is either incomplete, lacking in copies or entirely missing. In an industry where more often than not campaigns and projects are embarked upon in a responsive rather than proactive manner, the need for team cohesion and efficiency is more important than ever. But how is this achieved and what is truly for the best. That’s where I come in; it is my hope that at the end of this I will be able to describe what my dream team is how to achieve it.

1 comment:

  1. I am slightly offended that I have been omitted from this blog post....I know the truth however don't worry... :-)
