Sunday 14 March 2010

Aint No Mountain High Enough - apart perhaps the Lincoln One!

In seven days time it'll hopefully be all over - assuming that I don't incur a massive injury such as a broken bone I will have completed the Annual Lincoln 10K Road Race. In aid of BassetlawHospice which you all should know by now is the charity I am choosing to fund raise for by embarking on a year of runs!

Over the last few days something very disturbing has started to happen. People have been asking me what time I'm aiming to complete the race and also what my race pace is. I think it is important at this stage to get a few things straight...
As long as I finish the course I will be ecstatic, I have never proclaimed to be the next Paula Radcliffe and quite frankly can you really see me weeing myself just to maintain my personal best!

I will admit that with less than a week to go I am beginning to feel that this is going to be way harder than I ever imagined - and this is where you come in. Rosie i.e. me has the habit of talking myself into a panic when all that matters is that I'm doing this to raise some money for charity.

So over the next six days I need all of you that read this to visit my just giving page and pledge money for my year of running!

Wish me luck for my last week of training... any hints or tips on how to prepare for race day will be greatly received!!