Sunday, 18 July 2010

And the winner is?... CHARITY

In case you were worried, I survived the 10th Annual Asics British 10k last Sunday. Not only did I survive the 6.6 mile course but I completed it in a respectable 1 hour 17 minutes and 58 seconds, knocking over six minuted off my previous time at the Lincoln 10k.

I'm not going to lie there were many times throughout the 77 minutes that I wanted to give up but something kept me going and that was the promise I had made at the beginning of my year of running. It's not just completing the races for the purpose of sponsorship that is important but the knowledge that I'm standing up to help fight for something that affects us all - death.

Morbid as it may sound it is truly the one thing that we cannot escape and Bassetlaw Hospice like so many other hospices strive to provide peace and dignity at the end of our lives and help to form a support network for the family and friends left behind.

So as I crossed the finish line, hot sweaty and seriously dehydrated I jumped for joy as I thought of the motivation that spurred me on... This is for you Grand-ma xx

Friday, 9 July 2010

The new Sahara is Lambeth Hill...

I've just sneaked a peek at the weather forcast for Sunday and for the first time ever I'm distruaght at the thought that it could exceed 31 celcius on Sunday! Now normally I would be over the moon, however this Sunday is no ordinary Sunday.

In two days time I will be running the 10th Annual Asics British 10k in London and with the MET office predicting record temperatures, so not only will I be battling with the prospect of waging war on just over six and a half miles, but also surviving the scorching sun!

But hey when I stop to think of the reason behind me not only running the 10k on Sunday but my year of running, the sweltering heat seems like the least I can endure if it helps Bassetlaw Hospice.

So whilst you're sunning yourself this weekend sipping on something suitably delicious, please take five minutes to visit and help me to reach my target of £1000.

Have a great weekend and I promise to try and upload a hilarious photo of me cooking on the streets of London!!

R xx