Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Did Blackberry invent PR?

The little red indicator light on my Blackberry has caused more arguments in my house than the washing up; even when settled down for a nice romantic night in with a bottle of wine, I seem powerless to resist the constant checking of my blackberry, but why do I have a pang of terror when I have to frisk myself in the fear that I may have left my Blackberry at home, I've only had the device for four months! How has it become like this?

I think the secret to the answer lies within the modern day public relations departments across corporate Europe and North America. Image and external perception have become so important, that a simple 9 to 5 schedule will simple not suffice anymore; and seeing as making individuals work 24 hours a day is slightly frowned upon, some clever little person decided that it would be a great idea if the office could be taken home, minus the cumbersome office equipment! So here we have it, a culture where it is perfectly acceptable to keep you Blackberry on the table when you're out for dinner, or read your e-mails while sat in the dentist chair (guilty of that one myself, poor dentist just stared in amazement!).

But she's a just a mere student I hear you say, so how come I have interrupted writing this entry twice now to see what little jewels of information my darling Blackberry had for me, I'd like to sate that neither were of national importance, friend request on Facebook and a notification of a new follower on Twitter.

Is PR no longer confined to corporate settings, and are we all now responsible for our perception by the outside world, am I simply keeping up to date with every minuscule goings on in a bid to be the best and brightest and ready to execute damage limitation as and when needed, often after copious amounts of alcohol and my sharp tongue have been involved.

Is it really a bad thing to be the most popular person at the party, or the first trusted with gossip, or possibly even sad news. I'd rather be knowing whats going on than oblivious to the outside world. They don't call it a Crackberry for nothing you know, yes it may have fuelled my obsession with Twitter and Facebook but its calender and personal organiser have helped me to never miss a group meeting, remember important birthdays and even my shopping list, it can't all be that bad, and as wisely once said to me, Knowledge is power.